金曜日, 8月 21, 2009

I am a TED Translator


後で気がついたのだが(というよりも翻訳パートナーが知らせてくれたのだが)、翻訳総数で韓国と並びトップ5に入り、私自身がMost Active Translatorsのトップ4に入ることになった。(2009年8月20日日本時間の昼頃)


Over these one and a half month, I have been tarnslating TEDTalks, the video resources at TED.com.
I had to find a partner, who will review my translation. I found several persons with whom I can have my translation reviewd, and vice versa.

We did some 30 footage within two months, and I was told that the number of the translation into Japnese has reached 69 which equals to that of Korean, and I became one of the top four of the Most Active Translators.

Of course this is not my achievement but that of the whole array of the translators working out there. I hope we can cooperate more to get the work go forward. Thank you very much for all.
