Misha GlennyのTEDTalk「Misha Glenny investigates global crime networks」を日本語訳したのだが、その時にこの世界の全体的な枠組みについて知ることができた。それがストーリーになって再び立ち現れた、という感じがした。
木曜日, 4月 29, 2010
土曜日, 4月 24, 2010
NHK「神々の森へのいざない 春日大社 悠久の杜」
昨日のNHK、BS-hiの番組「神々の森へのいざない 春日大社 悠久の杜」で、まさしくこの行事「遷幸之儀」をやっていた。映像記録されたのは初めてと聞いた気がするが、するとこれは1957年に白洲さんが書いてから53年目にして明らかにされたことになる。
昨日のNHK、BS-hiの番組「神々の森へのいざない 春日大社 悠久の杜」で、まさしくこの行事「遷幸之儀」をやっていた。映像記録されたのは初めてと聞いた気がするが、するとこれは1957年に白洲さんが書いてから53年目にして明らかにされたことになる。
水曜日, 4月 21, 2010
金曜日, 4月 16, 2010
Came back(戻り)
Okay, for those who need me, I'm back. I had terrible two weeks.
Some of you may know that My PC is a Dell mini 10v hackintosh, ie the 10v with MacOS X on it. Because it's a tweeked architecture we need precaution of updating the system. Very recently there emerged MacOS 10.6.3 update. I being an conservative person did not go for it easily. Actually I have no intention to update for some time. But there came the time. I had a new hard drive. Ok, it's new. Nothing to worry about. If something bad happens I can go back to my original hard drive.
Replacing HD of 10v is easy. Remove the battery and three screws under the bottom, flip it, and pull the keoboard off. Then there is the hard drive bay inside. I replace it and installed MacOS 10.6 with NetbookMaker 0.84RC1. Of course it's OK. I ran NetbookInstaller 0.84RC1 and softoware-updated to 10.6.3.
For a while everything looked OK, but after a while there came some abnormalities such as the sound module not coming up, bluetooth is out, etc. And finally the system froze suddenly without any error log message. It's a trouble, apparently.
I re-installed the system several times, and again it looked somewhat OK. I used it for a week, enough time to depend everything on it, and came to Tokyo for business. Then it froze again at the hotel at Hanzomon, where the cherry trees are in full bloom. There was no way to reboot it. I was in a stunningly beautiful scenery with a PC that does not boot.
I had a suspicion. On the standpoint of the software, it's quite curious that there was no error log. May be this new hard drive is defective.
It's Tokyo out there and there is a town named Akihabara in Tokyo, the mecca of PC parts and Otaku culture. I went there, got a new hard drive and ate tonkatsu at the famous Marugo. I flew back home and replaced the hard drive and re-installed it with my former configuration of MacOS 10.6.2, which has been sweet and smooth. I re-installeld all my Documents and applications, and adjusted everything cluttered on it over this week as well as the things I might have lost. Now I'm fully alive back again. Uggh..
ひどい2週間だった。私のPCはDell mini 10vのHackintoshなのだが、こういうちょっとかわったアーキテクチャーでは、アップデートにすぐに飛びつかないのが肝要である。最近MacOS 10.6.3アップデートが出たのだが、それにもすぐには対応しなかった。少し様子見、のつもりが、ひょんなことで新しい、大容量ハードディスクが入手できた。新品のHDか。これならいいんじゃないの。トラブったら元のに戻せばいいし。ということで挑戦。
HDの入れ替えは簡単で、裏のねじを3本外してキーボードを取り外すだけである。入れ替えたHDに10.6を入れ、NetbookInstaller 0.84RC1でパッチを当ててから10.6.3にソフトウェア・アップデートした。
そこでHDを買い、お約束の丸五でトンカツを食べ、自宅に取って返すとHDの再換装、いろいろ試した末に結局もとのNBI0.83、MacOS 10.6.2環境に戻した。これは安定している。ここ1週間でたまったものや、失いそうになったものをいろいろと再調整した。やれやれ。。
Some of you may know that My PC is a Dell mini 10v hackintosh, ie the 10v with MacOS X on it. Because it's a tweeked architecture we need precaution of updating the system. Very recently there emerged MacOS 10.6.3 update. I being an conservative person did not go for it easily. Actually I have no intention to update for some time. But there came the time. I had a new hard drive. Ok, it's new. Nothing to worry about. If something bad happens I can go back to my original hard drive.
Replacing HD of 10v is easy. Remove the battery and three screws under the bottom, flip it, and pull the keoboard off. Then there is the hard drive bay inside. I replace it and installed MacOS 10.6 with NetbookMaker 0.84RC1. Of course it's OK. I ran NetbookInstaller 0.84RC1 and softoware-updated to 10.6.3.
For a while everything looked OK, but after a while there came some abnormalities such as the sound module not coming up, bluetooth is out, etc. And finally the system froze suddenly without any error log message. It's a trouble, apparently.
I re-installed the system several times, and again it looked somewhat OK. I used it for a week, enough time to depend everything on it, and came to Tokyo for business. Then it froze again at the hotel at Hanzomon, where the cherry trees are in full bloom. There was no way to reboot it. I was in a stunningly beautiful scenery with a PC that does not boot.
I had a suspicion. On the standpoint of the software, it's quite curious that there was no error log. May be this new hard drive is defective.
It's Tokyo out there and there is a town named Akihabara in Tokyo, the mecca of PC parts and Otaku culture. I went there, got a new hard drive and ate tonkatsu at the famous Marugo. I flew back home and replaced the hard drive and re-installed it with my former configuration of MacOS 10.6.2, which has been sweet and smooth. I re-installeld all my Documents and applications, and adjusted everything cluttered on it over this week as well as the things I might have lost. Now I'm fully alive back again. Uggh..
ひどい2週間だった。私のPCはDell mini 10vのHackintoshなのだが、こういうちょっとかわったアーキテクチャーでは、アップデートにすぐに飛びつかないのが肝要である。最近MacOS 10.6.3アップデートが出たのだが、それにもすぐには対応しなかった。少し様子見、のつもりが、ひょんなことで新しい、大容量ハードディスクが入手できた。新品のHDか。これならいいんじゃないの。トラブったら元のに戻せばいいし。ということで挑戦。
HDの入れ替えは簡単で、裏のねじを3本外してキーボードを取り外すだけである。入れ替えたHDに10.6を入れ、NetbookInstaller 0.84RC1でパッチを当ててから10.6.3にソフトウェア・アップデートした。
そこでHDを買い、お約束の丸五でトンカツを食べ、自宅に取って返すとHDの再換装、いろいろ試した末に結局もとのNBI0.83、MacOS 10.6.2環境に戻した。これは安定している。ここ1週間でたまったものや、失いそうになったものをいろいろと再調整した。やれやれ。。
投稿 (Atom)